Thursday, July 4, 2024

Construction of Persistence Hull

Transferring Patterns to Molds with dress makers tools

Molds ready to stand up

Molds up on Strong Back

Scarf joint joining two halves of the bottom plank

Making Sapele Transom Blank 

Shaping transom shape

Laying up the inner stem

Mounting the inner-stem and bottom plank on the molds 

Molding machine making bead and cove strips

Bead and Cove Strips

Assembly at Stem

Assembly at transom

Making Bottom Scarf Joint

I wanted to join the hull planking to the bottom with a strong scarf joint without using heavy chine logs.  I'm not sure you will find this feature on other Wooden Melonseed Boats.  This is my first departure from the Barto Plans

Planing Hull to Bottom Scarf Joint

Continuing the hull planking up over the bottom

Planing the excess planking to make a smooth hull

Hull Faired and ready for glass

Hull complete glassed on the outside and off the molds


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